Run WRF Benchmarks

Before you begin

To complete this tutorial, you will need to deploy the RCC-WRF solution from the Google Cloud Marketplace. You can follow the instructions in the Deploy from Marketplace Quickstart.

For WRF, we recommend using the compute optimized c2-standard-60 instances on Google Cloud.

Run the CONUS 12km Benchmark

To run the CONUS 12km benchmark, you will submit a Slurm batch job. The input decks and a sample batch script for this benchmark are included in the wrf-gcp VM image under /apps/share/benchmarks/conus-12km.

First, connect to the login node of the cluster via SSH.

Copy the example batch file from /apps/share

cp /apps/share/ ~/

Submit the batch job using sbatch, specifying the number of MPI tasks you want to launch with using the --ntasks flag.

In the example below, we are using 24 MPI tasks. With c2-standard-8 instances, the cluster will provision 3 nodes and distribute the tasks evenly across these compute nodes.

sbatch --ntasks=24

Note: Compute nodes are created as needed when jobs are submitted. For this first job submission, it can take up to 3 minutes for the job to start.

Wait for the job to complete. This benchmark is configured to run a 2-hour forecast, which takes about 6 minutes to complete with 24 ranks. You can monitor the status of your job with squeue.

When the job completes, check the contents of rsl.out.0000 to verify that you see the statement wrf: SUCCESS COMPLETE WRF.

$ tail -n1 ${HOME}/wrf-benchmark/rsl.out.0000
d01 2018-06-17_06:00:00 wrf: SUCCESS COMPLETE WRF

Run the CONUS 2.5km Benchmark

To run the CONUS 2.5km benchmark, you will submit a Slurm batch job. The input decks and a sample batch script for this benchmark are included in the wrf-gcp VM image under /apps/share/benchmarks/conus-2.5km.

First, connect to the login node of the cluster via SSH.

Copy the example batch file from /apps/share

cp /apps/share/ ~/

For ideal performance, we recommend using compact placement for your partition. If you have not enabled compact placement for your compute partitionSee How to enable compact placement for more details.

Submit the batch job using sbatch, specifying the number of MPI tasks you want to launch with using the --ntasks flag.

In the example below, we are using 480 MPI tasks. With c2-standard-60 instances, the cluster will provision 8 nodes and distribute the tasks evenly across these compute nodes.

sbatch --ntasks=480 --partition=PARTITION

Note: Compute nodes are created as needed when jobs are submitted. For this first job submission, it can take up to 3 minutes for the job to start.

Wait for the job to complete. This benchmark is configured to run a 6-hour forecast, which takes about 50 minutes to complete with 480 ranks. You can monitor the status of your job with squeue.

When the job completes, check the contents of rsl.out.0000 to verify that you see the statement wrf: SUCCESS COMPLETE WRF.

$ tail -n1 ${HOME}/wrf-benchmark/rsl.out.0000
d01 2018-06-17_06:00:00 wrf: SUCCESS COMPLETE WRF